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Mende et al. 1995
Mende, S.B., Fuselier, S.A., Geller, S.P., Swenson, G.R. and Marshall, J.A. (1995). Imaging of artificial aurora in the upper atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research 100: doi: 10.1029/95JA01105. issn: 0148-0227.

We use continuum (white light) and filtered (427.8 nm) images from the Atmospheric Emissions Photometric Imaging (AEPI) experiment on the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS) 1 shuttle mission to investigate the shape and evolution of artificial auroral patches generated by the Space Experiments with Particle Accelerators (SEPAC) electron beam experiment. Auroral patches generated by this beam experiment are complex and differ in the white light and filtered images. In the white light images, the auroral patch consists of a relatively large, diffuse, and somewhat symmetric head and a tail that is directed approximately opposite the spacecraft velocity vector. From the growth of the tail during a beam pulse, the distance from the imager to the emissions is estimated to be about 200 km, consistent with expectations from a simple model of auroral emissions in the atmosphere. In addition to the auroral patch, an intense, diffuse, and variable background glow filling essentially the entire field of view of the white light imager is seen during the beam pulses. This background glow may be caused by low-energy electrons very near the shuttle. This glow is absent in the filtered images, in which the shape of the auroral patch differed, consisting of a relatively large, diffuse, but more asymmetric head, a tail, and a smaller and less intense spot below the head. Curvature of the magnetic field and spacecraft motion during the 1-s filtered images allows an estimate of the relative distance from the shuttle to the head, tail, and small spot.

This shape is consistent with head emissions generated relatively near the spacecraft (nearest few kilometers), tail emissions somewhat farther away, and finally the small spot emissions generated the farthest away in the lower atmosphere where the natural auroras would be created. In addition, the shape of these patches in the filtered images suggests that the risetime for the head and tail emissions in the filtered images appears to be longer than that for the small spot emission. The differences between the white light images and the filtered images are consistent with the difference between the emission parent state lifetimes and the energy requirement for the emission production. The white light images contain emissions with long lifetimes, and these emissions which are produced near the observer are swept out of the field of view because they are left behind by the shuttle. This gives a bias toward emissions generated farther from the orbiter. The filtered images contain only the very fast produced N2+ emission with a substantial component generated near the orbiter and with an inverse square law attenuated auroral spot in the lower atmosphere. The presence of the tail and the apparent risetime in the near-field emission suggest that there is a buildup and decay time associated with the hot plasma created by the electron beam. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1995



Atmospheric Composition and Structure, Airglow and aurora, Ionosphere, Auroral ionosphere, Magnetospheric Physics, Energetic particles, precipitating
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
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Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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