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McCracken et al. 2001
McCracken, K.G., Dreschhoff, G.A.M., Zeller, E.J., Smart, D.F. and Shea, M.A. (2001). Solar cosmic ray events for the period 1561–1994: 1. Identification in polar ice, 1561–1950. Journal of Geophysical Research 106: doi: 10.1029/2000JA000237. issn: 0148-0227.

The geophysical significance of the thin nitrate-rich layers that have been found in both Arctic and Antarctic firn and ice cores, dating from the period 1561--1991, is examined in detail. It is shown that variations of meteorological origin dominate the record until the snow has consolidated to high-density firn some 30 years after deposition. The thin nitrate layers have a characteristic short timescale (30 MeV solar proton fluence. The proton fluences (omnidirectional fluence cm-2) derived from the 70 largest impulsive nitrate events between 1561 and 1950 are tabulated. The proton fluence probability distribution derived from these large impulsive nitrate events are in good agreement with earlier studies of the cumulative probabilities of solar proton events and with the observation of cosmogenic isotopes in moon rocks. The cumulative probability curve derived from the impulsive nitrate events indicates a rapidly decreasing probability of occurrence of >30 MeV solar proton events having an omnidirectional fluence exceeding 6¿109 cm-2. It is concluded that the impulsive nitrate events are reliable indicators of the occurrence of large fluence solar proton events and that they provide a quantitative measure of these events. It is further concluded that the impulsive nitrate events will permit the study of solar activity for many thousands of years into the past. ¿ 2001 American Geophysical Union



Hydrology, Glaciology, Interplanetary Physics, Cosmic rays, Interplanetary Physics, Energetic particles, solar, Interplanetary Physics, Solar cycle variations
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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