Detailed Reference Information |
Poldervaart, A. and Green, J. (1965). Chemical analyses of submarine basalts. American Mineralogist 50(10): 1,723-1,728. |
Five new chemical analyses of four submarine basalts are presented. The two rocks from the Pacific are hypersthene-normative alkali basalts, whereas the two from the Atlantic are olivine-normative tholeiites. |
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; Atlantic Ocean; basalts; chemical;, composition; igneous rocks; major-element analyses; Pacific Ocean;, petrology; submarine; submarine samples; volcanic rocks, 05, Igneous and metamorphic petrology |
The Mineralogical Society of America 1015 18th Street NW, Suite 601 Washington, D.C. 20036-5274 USA 1-202-775-4344 1-202-775-0018 business@minsocam. |