To resolve the discrepancy between the Jovian albedo in the IR and UV, a model of ammonia photochemistry was recently proposed by Strobel (1973) which led to a severe depletion of the ammonia concentration with altitude. Some features of this photochemistry, for example, the use of a pressure-independent rate coefficient for NH2 recombination and the formation of hydrogen and nitrogen molecules in photodissociation of N2H4, were inconsistent with several laboratory and theoretical results. The treatment of the reaction between H and N2H3 was also controversial. When these shortcomings are removed and the basic photochemistry proposed by Strobel is made relatively more consistent with the available theoretical and laboratory data, as far as possible within the limits set by the present paucity of data, then only a moderate depletion is obtained. The discrepancy between the Jovian albedo in the IR and UV therefore may still be an open question. However, if condensation nuclei were present to such an extent that N2H4 condensed before it reacted or photodissociated, then a new solution of the discrepancy could be possible. Alternatively, existence of a stratospheric 'cold trap' may also explain the ammonia abundance. We have also identified and stressed the specific needs for laboratory measurement. |