Two portable 50-MHz Doppler radar systems on opposite sides of the magnetic dip equator examined 3-m irregularities in the African equatorial electrojet for 3 days centered on the June 30, 1973, solar eclipse. The days were magnetically disturbed with daily Kp indices of 36+, 32+, and 27-. Fluctuations in the irregularity phase velocities at the two latitudes were in general well correlated, with the higher velocities being observed at the equatorward station. Variations in the latitudinal profile of the electrojet were indicated by daily in the ratio of the velocities at the two latitudes. Several daytime reversals of the phase velocity were observed, thus indicating the occasional presence of an electric field and an electron density gradient opposite their normal daytime directions. Of particular interest were the simultaneous appearances of two oppositely directed electrojet current layers. |