Measurements of the spectral and angular distributions of atmospheric gamma rays in the energy range 0.3--10 MeV over Palestine, Texas, at residual depths of 2.5 and 70 g/cm2 are reported here. In confirmation of the general features of a model prediction (Ling, 1975) the measurements show at 2.5 g/cm2 upward moving fluxes greater than the downward moving fluxes, the effect increasing with energy, and approximate isotropy at 70 g/cm2. Numerous characteristic gamma ray lines were observed, most prominently at 0.511, 1.6, 4.4, and 6.1 MeV. Their intensities were also compared with model predictions. Observations were made with an actively shielded scintillator counter with two detectors, one of aperture 50 ¿ FWHM and the other of 120 ¿ FWHM. Above 1 MeV, contributions to the counting rate from photons penetrating the shield annulus and from neutron interactions were large; they were studied by means of a Monte Carlo code and are extensively discussed here. |