The guiding center motion of particles in a 'nearly' drift-free magnetic field is analyzed in order to investigate the dependence of the mean drift velocity on equatorial pitch angle, the variation of the local drift velocity along the trajectory, and other properties. The fields considered here are two-dimensional and depart slightly from a class of drift-free fields, resembling the field of the geomagnetic tail, with the following properties: (1) no y component and no y dependence, (2) Bx=0 in the equatorial plane and z =0, and (3) Bz=B0=const. In such a field, it has been shown, particles may be trapped, but they exhibit no net drift in the y direction: their instantaneous drifts at any time may be large, but when they are averaged over a sufficiently long time (or, for adiabatic particles, over a bounce period), the result is zero. Here a slight modification of this mode is explored, motion in a field in which Bz slowly varies in the x direction, as is indeed observed in the geomagnetic tail. The mean drift 〈vy〉 for adiabatic particles can now be expressed by means of elliptic integrals: it no longer vanishes but is merely small; if v0 is the drift velocity for equatorial paricles (which is easily derived), 〈vy〉 between v0 and v0/3. By contrast, instantaneous guiding center drift velocities at z=0 may be 50 times larger. Explicit approximations to the twice-averaged Hamiltonian W (&agr;, &mgr;, J) near z=0 are also derived, permitting simple representation of drift paths if an electric potential ϕ (&agr;, &bgr;) also exists. In addition, the use of W or expressions for the longitudinal invariant allows the derivation of the twice-averaged Liouville equation and the corresponding Vlasov equation. Bounce times are calculated (by using the drift-free approximation), as are instantaneous guiding center drift velocities, which are then used to provide a numerical check on the formulas for 〈vy〉. |