The Voyager 1 EUV spectrum of the hot Io plasma torus has been analyzed by using a collisional model. The estimated effective electron temperature of the central dense region of the plasma is 8¿104 K. The torus half width number densities (cm-3) obtained from the model calculation are O II (50), O III (340), O IV (<17), S II (44¿20), S III (160), S IV (220), S V (?11), and K III (?80). The relative oxygen/sulfur number densities are &Sgr;On/&Sgr;Sn?0.9. Comparison of the model calculations with other spectroscopic observations that caN be clearly identified as originating in the hot plasma torus shows satisfactory agreement. However, the EUV observations show strong morphological differences with recent ground-based observations of S II emission, raising questions concerning excitation mechanisms and radial dependence of the observed characteristics. The ion densities indicated by the EUV data analysis show distinct differences with the in situ Voyager 1 plasma science estimates. |