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Hardy et al. 1982
Hardy, D.A., Burke, W.J. and Gussenhoven, M.S. (1982). DMSP optical and electron measurements in the vicinity of polar cap arcs. Journal of Geophysical Research 87: doi: 10.1029/JA087iA04p02413. issn: 0148-0227.

We have completed an extensive analysis of the electron and optical data from the DMSP satellites for an external period of polar cap arc occurrences on December 12, 1977. The polar cap arcs are observed in three distinct intervals in a period of quieting after a time of intense substorm activity. Each interval occurs when the IMF Bx is less than 0 and follows a northward turning of the IMF Bz. The intervals are separated by periods of southard Bz and weak substorm activity during which no enhanced precipitation is seen in the polar cap. The polar cap arcs persist for periods of more than an hour with only gradual variation in position and intensity. At the time of our study the highest-energy flux and average energy for electrons precipitating into the polar cap are seen in the northern polar cap. The observation of polar cap arcs is associated with the admittance of large and variable fluxes of low-energy electrons into a major portion of both the northern and southern hemisphere polar caps. These fluxes fall into the following categories: First, nearly Maxwellian distributions of electrons with temperatures between 50 eV and 200 eV and number densities varying from 0.03/cm3 to 4/cm3. The highest densities are found at the poleward boundary of the diffuse aurorae and near the visible polar cap arcs. The lowest densities are associated with the polar rain. Second, distributions of electrons peaked between 50 eV and 200 eV. These distributions result from accelertion of the cold Maxwellian distribution through a potential of 50 to 200 V without any heating of the electrons. Third, distributions of electrons displaying two populations; an intense low-energy component with a temperature of ~20 eV and a much weaker high-energy component with a temperature of 180 eV. We interpret such distributions as evidence of direct admittance of magnetosheath electrons into the polar cap. Fourth,, distributions of electrons peaked at ~1 keV. These distributions produce the visible arcs. They result from the acceleration of a two-component electron population with temperatures of 100 and 350 eV through a potential drop of ~750 V.



Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
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