Magnetic field observations obtained by the Pioneer 11 vector helium magnetometer are compard with the Z3 model magnetic field. These Pioneer 11 observations, obtained at close-in radial distances, constitute an important and independent test of the Z3 zonal harmonic model, which was derived from Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 flux gate magnetometer observations. Differences between the Pioneer 11 magnetometer and the Z3 model field are found to be small (~1%) and quantitatively consistent with the expected instrumental accuracy. A detailed examination of these differences in spacecraft payload coordinates shows that they are uniquely associate with the instrument frame of reference and operation. A much improved fit to the Pioneer 11 observations is obtained by rotation of the instrument coordinate system about the spacecraft spin axis by 1.4¿. With this adjustment, possibly associated with an instrumental phase lag or roll attitude error, the Pioneer 11 vector helium magnetometer observations are fully consistent with the Voyager Z3 model. No evidence is found for any significant departure from axisymmetry of Saturn's internal magnetic field. |