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Mende et al. 1988
Mende, S.B., Swenson, G.R., Llewellyn, E.J., Denig, W.F., Kendall, D.J.W. and Slanger, T.G. (1988). Measurements of rotational temperature in the airglow with a photometric imaging etalon spectrometer. Journal of Geophysical Research 93. doi: 10.1029/88JA03124. issn: 0148-0227.

A Fabry-Perot imager than can give spectral image information for the airglow is briefly described. Such an instrument was flown on the shuttle on the STS 41-G mission. Several spectral images of the limb view atmosphere were obtained, and rotational temperatures are derived for two of these images. The rotational temperature for the O2 A band on the limb at the emission intensity maximum was measured as 200 ¿K. Viewing the airglow layer at a downward viewing slant path, the temperature was found to be higher. The rotational temperature was also obtained from images of the airglow at the wavelength of the OH Meinel (8--3) band. The properties of the available filter and Fabry-Perot combination were not ideal for this measurement. From the ratio of the line intensity of the P1(3) and the superimposition of the P2(3) and the Q(2) line the rotational temperatue was found to be 220 ¿K. These temperature measurements demonstrate the validity of the technique. Several new experiments are planned where systematic measurements of the atmospheric airglow rotational temperatures will be carried out. Such measurements will provide new insight into the global temperature of the mesosphere. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1988



Atmospheric Composition and Structure, Instruments and techniques, Atmospheric Composition and Structure, Airglow and aurora, Atmospheric Composition and Structure, Thermosphere—composition and chemistry
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
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Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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