A model of time-dependent one-stream interhemispheric plasma flow is used to investigate plasmaspheric refilling. In the model the coupled time-dependent hydrodynamic equations (continuity, momentum and energy) of a two-ion (H+ and O+), quasi-neutral, currentless plasma are solved for a closed geomagnetic field line. For the present set of calculations an L=2 field line was used. A steady state solution was found and used as the initial condition in subsequent simulations of the effect of density depletions. Density depletions were modeled by reducing the densities by an arbitrary factor above 2500 km altitude, while keeping the velocities and temperatures unchanged. Shock structures develop which move up the field line, meeting and reflecting at the equator. The reflected shocks are absorbed by the dense neutral atmosphere when they reach the model flux tube boundaries. After the upwelling streams collide, refilling occurs from the equator downward for 2 to 3 hours; thereafter there is steady refilling from the ionospheres upward. ¿American Geophysical Union 1990 |