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Mottez et al. 1992
Mottez, F., Chanteur, G. and Roux, A. (1992). Filamentation of plasma in the auroral region by an ion-ion instability: A process for the formation of bidimensional potential structures. Journal of Geophysical Research 97. doi: 10.1029/91JA02996. issn: 0148-0227.

A two-dimensional, explicit, electrostatic particle code is used to investigate the nonlinear behavior of electrostatic ion waves generated by an ion beam flowing through a thermal ion and electron background in a strongly magnetized plasma (&ohgr;ce≫&ohgr;pe where &ohgr;ce and &ohgr;pe are the electron gyrofrequency and the plasma frequency). To follow the nonlinear evolution of these ion waves, a long-lasting simulation is run with a large simulation grid: 128¿512&lgr;d. Beam ions are shown to generate oblique waves. The nonlinear beatings between these oblique waves produce purely transverse waves, which leads to a strong modulation of the density and of the electric potential in a direction transverse to the magnetic field. The transverse scale of these essentially field-aligned filaments is L=10&rgr;i where &rgr;i is the ion Larmor radius of beam ions. Within these filaments, relatively stable field-aligned density and potential structures develop. The typical size, along the magnetic field, of these structures is L=10&lgr;d, the density is modulated by 30%, and the electric potential is as large as Te within these structures. Unlike the potential structures that develop in a two-component plasma with downgoing electrons, these structures move upward. These characteristics are in good agreement with the weak double layers recently detected by Viking. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1992



Space Plasma Physics, Waves and instabilities, Space Plasma Physics, Nonlinear phenomena, Magnetospheric Physics, Auroral phenomena, Space Plasma Physics, Numerical simulation studies
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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