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Popecki et al. 1993
Popecki, M., Arnoldy, R., Engebretson, M.J. and Cahill, L.J. (1993). High-latitude ground observations of Pc 1/2 micropulsations. Journal of Geophysical Research 98: doi: 10.1029/93JA02539. issn: 0148-0227.

A ground-based survey of Pc 1/2 (0.1--0.4 Hz) and Pc 1 micropulsations throughout 1986 has provided evidence for the location of the Pc 1/2 source region. Data were taken from three high-latitude stations, located at South Pole (-75¿ geomagnetic latitude; 1530 UT local noon), Sondre Stromfjord (+74¿, 1330 UT LN) and Siple (-61¿, 1700 UT LN). The study revealed a diurnal occurrence pattern for waves in the 0.1--0.4 Hz band (Pc 1/2) and showed that the pattern was not due to the effects of sunlight on the ionosphere but instead from a postnoon magnetospheric source region. On the basis of the latitudinal occurrence patterns of the waves above and below 0.4 Hz, it is concluded that the waves observed on the ground above 0.4 Hz come primarily from plasmapause latitudes, while the source of the Pc 1/2 lies between the plasmapause and the magnetopause. The estimate of source locations for waves above and below this frequency, combined with the typically sharp upper frequency limit of waves in the 0.1--0.4 Hz band (Pc 1/2) are interpreted as evidence that He+ ions in the outer magnetosphere influence propagation and possibly wave growth. These results are compared with those of Anderson et al. [1990, 1992a,b>, who showed with a spacecraft study that Pc 1 are more commonly observed beyond L=7 than in regions closer to the Earth. It is concluded that many of the waves above the He+ gyrofrequency from the outer magnetosphere do not always reach the ground. An extensive search for correlations between Pc 1/2 occurrence and solar wind pressure and magnetic field orientation showed no direct connection between solar wind parameters and Pc 1/2 generation. They may instead be amplified by plasma sheet ions that drift sunward on the dusk side of the magnetosphere [Kaye and Kivelson, 1979; Anderson and Hamilton, 1993> and undergo ion-cyclotron resonance in the afternoon sector. This mechanism is consistent with the diurnal pattern and apparent source location of the Pc 1/2 ¿ American Geophysical Union 1993



Ionosphere, Plasma waves and instabilities, Ionosphere, Wave propagation, Magnetospheric Physics, Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
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