Chemical data (28 major, minor, and trace elements) were obtained by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) for 38 hand-picked highland fragments (1-20 mg) from coarse fines 10085. The Apollo 11 highland chemical groups are represented by a range of petrographic types. Six major chemical highland groups are identified in the Apollo 11 fragments. These are (1) high-K KREEP; (2) anorthosite (e.g., 15415, 60015) with 10¿ chondrite rare-earth-elements (REE) abundances, a positive Eu anomaly, anorthosite with 30¿ chondrite abundances, and a positve Eu anomaly; (3) anorthosite-norite-troctolite (ANT) (67075); (4) Low-K Fra Mauro (LKFM) (77135); (5) anorthositic gabbro (68415) with no Eu anomaly, anorthositic gabbro (65055, 67955) with a positive Eu anomaly, and anorthositic gabbro (68516, 60015) with a negative Eu anomaly; and (6) Apollo 11 'dominant highland component,' 2¿-10¿ chondrite REE abundances with a positive 10¿-14¿ chondrite Eu anomaly. There are three newly-recognized groups in the Apollo 11 highland suite, based on the REE patterns. These are (1) ANT with 5¿ chondrite La, 22¿ Chondrite abundances, and a positive Eu anomaly; (b) 10¿ chondrite flat pattern with 14¿ chondrite positive Eu anomaly; and (2-3¿ chondrite flat pattern with 10¿ chondrite positive Eu anomaly. The Apollo 11 highland suite is very low in potassium (non-KREEPy). Overall, the Apollo 11 highland suite is quite similar to the Apollo 16 suite. Most previously recognized highland chemical groups are represented in the Apollo 11 highland component. |