Kyanite grade pelitic schistss from the Efjord area (68 15'N, 16¿45'E), northern Norway, show abundant textural evidence of retrograde reequilibration during late orogenic uplift and cooling of this part of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Graphical analysis of mineral compositions in seven samples that show a range of retrograde textures indicates that they reached final chemical equilibrium under nonuniform pressure-temperature conditions. Three element-partitioning geothermometers and geobarometers yield consistent PT estimates in individual samples, which together define a trend in PT space. The sample showing the fewest signs of retrogression yields the highest pressure and temperature estimates, whereas samples exhibiting abundant reequilibration textures give lower PT estimates. We suggest that the trend indicated by these samples reflects a portion of the PT trajectory assumed by the Efjord area during uplift. Thus the judicious use of element-partitioning geothermometers and geobarometers on samples showing signs of retrograde metamorphism may yield important new information concerning the late tectonic evolution of metamorphic terrains. |