The Apollo 14 site continues to provide pristine non mare rocks that contrast sharply with those from Apollo 16, the archetypical highland site. We characterize six small (<1 cm) samples of pristine highland crust that occur as clasts in polymict lunar breccia 14305. One is an alkali anorthosite; the others include troctolite, norite, and anorthosite of the Mg-suite. The alkali anorthosite (,400) is a plagioclase adcumulate with minor intercumulus augite. Cerian fluorapatite with LREE-contents ~30,000¿chondrite occurs as an inclusion in plagioclase. Enstatite troctolite ,358 and magnesian anorthosite ,361 have trace element characteristics similar to ''eastern'' Mg-suite rocks, highlighting the importance of local variations in geochemical systematics that are superimposed on moon-wide, longtidinal variations. The highly fractionated trace element abundances and highly magnesian mineral compositions of olivine orthopyroxenite. ,389 suggest a new, previously unknown magma-type related to the Mg-suite. This magma may have formed in equilibrium with garnet. Alkali anorthosites and magnesian anorthosites-troctolites cannot be related to a single parent magma by fractional crystallization or by variable KREEP assimilation. These suites represent separate parent magmas, each of which may have been modified by mixing with KREEP. |