Deep Sea Drilling Project hole 504B is located in 5.9 m.y. crust in the eastern Pacific Ocean about 200 km south of the Costa Rica Rift. At 1076 m subbasement, it is the deepest penetration of marine crust yet achieved. We present here magnetic data from this hole, especially from the recently cored leg 83 section (which constitutes the lowermost 500 m). These data, when combined with those of other studies, yield not only the deepest but also the most detailed and comprehensive picture of marine magnetic structure at a single site currently available. The basement rocks from hole 504B can be divided into three major magnetic units. The upper units (the top 500 m or so of basement) are essentially similar to other shallow marine basement sections, consisting of a mixture of various types of extrusive basalt. Low-temperature altered titanomagnetite is the dominant magnetic carrier, and the properties of these rocks are comparable to other shallow marine basalts. Below the upper units is a 200-m transition zone, consisting of a mixture of extrusives and dikes. High-temperature hydrothermal alteration (much of its greenschist facies grade) has caused oxidation-exsolution of primary titanomagnetite as well as its partial or total replacement by silicates. The dominant magnetic carrier is an Fe-rich titanomagnetite, magnetically indistinguishable from pure magnetite. The combination of oxidation-exsolution and silicate replacement results in a very low natural remanent magnetization (NRM). The remaining 300 m are in the upper portion of the sheeted dike complex. Primary titanomagnetite is exsolved, but alteration is less than in the transition zone. NRM values are substantially higher than those of the transition zone, due to less silicate replacement of primary titanomagnetite coupled with an uncertain contribution from secondary magnetite (which occurs as a silicate alteration product). The NRM magnitude is sufficiently high that the sheeted dike complex, in this location at least, may make a significant if not substantial contribution to the magnetic anomaly. Overall, the magnetic properties of this hole, especially the lower 500 m, are strongly influenced by postemplacement alteration and may bear little or no resemblance to their values upon initial cooling. As hydrothermal temperatures do not appear to have exceeded 400¿ C, the NRM in the lower two sections is apparently a chemical rather than a thermal remanence. As such, models of marine magnetic structure that combine cooling models of the crust with the assumption that magnetic remanence is purely of thermal origin do not appear sufficient to adequately predict the properties of the deeper crust. A better understanding of the nature of postemplacement alteration in the marine crust is reuqired, especially its characteristics at high temperatures, and its effects on magnetic properties. |