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Malin et al. 1995
Malin, P.E., Goodman, E.D., Henyey, T.L., Li, Y.G., Okaya, D.A. and Saleeby, J.B. (1995). Significance of seismic reflection beneath a tilted exposure of deep continental crust, Tehachapi Mountains, California. Journal of Geophysical Research 100: doi: 10.1029/94JB02127. issn: 0148-0227.

The focus of this article is a process whereby lower crustal crystalline and schistose rocks can rise to the surface, with the Tehachapi Mountains in California being the case in point. As a prime example of the lower crust, these mountains expose Cretaceous gneisses that formed 25--30 km down in the Sierra Navada batholith and appear to be underlain by the ensimatic Rand schist. Integrated geophysical and geological studies by the CALCRUST program have produced a cross section through this post-Mid-Cretaceous structure and suggest a general model for its development. Seismic reflection and refraction profiles show that the batholithic rocks dip northward as a tilted slab and extend beneath the southern end of the San Joaquin Basin's Tejon embayment. Two south dipping reverse faults on the rim of the Tejon embayment were discovered in the reflection data and verified in the field. The faults have a combined separation of several kilometers and cut through an upper crustal reflection zone that projects to the surface cutcrop of the Rand schist.

The upper and lower crusts are separated by a zone of laterally discontinuous reflectors. Reflections from the lower crust form a widge, the base of which is a nearly flat Moho at 33 km. Regional geological relations and gravity models both suggest that the reflective zone corresponds to the Rand schist and the newly recognized faults account for its Neogene exposure. Alternatively, the reflective zone maybe part of the gneiss complex, suggesting that the schist either lies deeper or is not present under the gneisses. If the Rand schist underlies the Tehachapi Mountains and Mojave region to their south, a model for their evolution can be constructed from regional geological relations. It seems that during Late Cretaceous Laramide subduction the protolith of the schist was thrust eastward beneath the Mojave. Along this portion of the Cordilleran batholithic belt the subduction was evidently at very low angles. The bottom of the batholith was removed and replaced by a thick section of schist, fluids from which weakened the overlying batholigh. This thickened crust collapsed by horizontal flow in the schist and faulting of the upper crust into flat-lying slabs. When emplacement of the schist ended in latest Cretaceous/earliest Paleocene, the underlying mantle rose, compensating for the extension and providing material for magmatic underplating. In the Neogene, transpression and rotation of the upper crust along the San Andreas and Garlock faults resulted in the exposure of the schist. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1995



Seismology, Continental crust, Tectonophysics, Continental tectonics—general, Exploration Geophysics, Continental structures
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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