The seismic properties and preferred clay mineral orientation of a suite of shales are investigated using laboratory velocity measurements as a function of confining pressure, X ray diffraction techniques, and electron microprobe backscatter (BSE) imaging. The velocity measurements indicate that these shales are transversely isotropic with the main symmetry axis perpendicular to bedding. Anisotropy, at elevated pressures caused mainly by preferred orientation of clays (illite) parallel to bedding, ranges from 20% (Vp) and 19% (Vs) for a sample of New Albany Shale to 30% (Vp) and 35% (Vs) for a sample of Chattanooga Shale. The degree of clay mineral alignment in the shales is constrained by ''orientation indices'' produced using simple X ray diffraction techniques. A strong positive correlation is found between the degree of preferred orientation, as expressed in the orientation indices, and seismic anisotropy. BSE images of the shale fabrics confirm in a qualitative manner the results of the X ray study. To investigate wave propagation in the shales, elastic constants of each sample are calculated and used to produce phase and group (wave) velocity surfaces, which describe variation in velocity as a function of angle to the bedding normal. The calculated velocity surfaces, constrained by independent velocity measurements, display a lack of shear wave splitting at ''near-normal incidence'' in even the most anisotropic shales. For the highly anisotropic Chattanooga shales, group velocity surfaces differ significantly from corresponding phase velocity surfaces. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1995 |