The present work represents a preliminary effort to investigate the dynamics of cyclonic Gulf Stream rings. As part of a multidisciplinary program, we have analyzed a closely spaced grid of expendable bathythermographs (XBT's) around the perimeter of a cyclonic ring. In conjunction with hydrographic data from the same cruise (Knorr 62), we examined the radial and azimuthal fields of temperature, vertical temperature gradient, and Brunt-V¿is¿l¿ frequency. After referencing the location of the observations to the estimated ring center, several vertical profiles were constructed to show radial and azimuthal variations. Azimuthal variations show influences of another smaller ring to the east, although other smaller scale perturbations are also evident. On the basis of simple conservation of potential vorticity, the influence of the ring to the east is shown to increase the stability in the region between the two cyclonic circulations. No subsequent observations are available from this ring, since it rejoined the stream shortly after this cruise. |