Summertime rocketsonde temperature data for 1965-1977 at seven sites, 8¿ S--64¿ M, we adjusted to reduce previously uncorrected instrumental errors. The data were then carefully processed to yield yearly average temperature departures from the average temperatures for 1965--1977. At two levels, 35 and 50 km, the yearly departures as well as 3-year moving averages (with 1-2-1 weighting) were compared to the mean annual sunsport number, both for individual stations and for the combined station data. The smoothed temperature departures for the combined data show a correlation of +0.89 with sunspot numbers at both altitudes but with greater temperaure range (4.5¿ C) at 35 km. Except for two special circumstances, correlations at individual stations (smoothed data) range from +0.72 to +0.94; the corresponding amount of temperature change from near-solar maximum (1969) to near-solar minimum (1975) varies among the stations from --3¿ C to --6¿ C. The observed temperature variations during solar cycle 20 are well within recent model calculations that are based on observed fluctuations in solar ultraviolet radiation. |