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Thompson & Zafiriou 1983
Thompson, A.M. and Zafiriou, O.C. (1983). Air-Sea Fluxes of Transient Atmospheric Species. Journal of Geophysical Research 88: doi: 10.1029/JC080i011p06696. issn: 0148-0227.

The air-to-sea fluxes of the major reactive tropospheric gases and radicals have been estimated from the two-layer stagnant film model by using concentrations appropriate for the unpolluted marine troposphere and by taking into account effects of species solubility and chemical reactivity on the exchange rate. Nearly all of the transfers appear to be limited by gas-phase diffusion, in which case the exchange rate is equivalent to a conventional deposition velocity. The largest fluxes are associated with acids (HNO3, HCl) and the more abundant molecular and radical transients in the atmosphere (O3, H2O2, CH3OOH, HO2, CH3O2). For the acids and other soluble gases, e.g., H2O2, H2CO, addition of rainout and near-surface particulate sinks reduces the calculated air-sea (dry) fluxes up to a factor of 2. The atmospheric input to the ocean is smaller than estimate in situ water production for most species considered. Exceptions are NO3, CH3OOH, and CH3O2, for which the atmospheric source exceeds plausible oceanic sources. In contrast to the bulk aqueous and gas phases it appears that the chemistry of the interfacial layer at the sea surface is significantly influenced by the influx of radicals and reactive oxidants. Indeed, although a basic assumption of the two-film model is that microlayer reactions affect only the exchange rate, they may be sufficiently intense to chemically modify the diffusing gases.



Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
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