Normalized kinetic energy frequency distributions at a site in the Kuroshio Extension along 152˚E are independent of depth as a good first approximation. The lowest frequencies are strongly vertically coherent from 350 to 6000 m depths (nominal). None of the other vertical sets of time series previously examined possess these characterisics to such a degree, coherence being typically much lower between the thermocline and abyssal depths, with spectral shape changing significantly as well. The vertical distributions of eddy kinetic energy at this Kuroshio Extension site and for the Gulf Stream along 55¿W are very similar, if a depth independent contribution of approximately 100 cm2 s-2 be added to the former. The latter observation suggests the existence of a more energetic weakly depth-dependent component for the eddy field in the North Atlantic than for the North Pacific, at special locations in the vicinity of their mid-latitude jets, possibly a signature of distinct instability mechanisms. |