Field and laboratory data of ice-coupled waves propagating beneath shore fast ice are presented and compared with a theoretical model for sea ice which allows temperature variation. Although the laboratory data set is essentially qualitative because of scaling problems, the measured wave characteristics compare favorably with those seen in the field. The theory fits the field data set well, both for the dispersive behavior and for the energy decay as the ice-coupled waves penetrate the ice sheet. Moreover, a maximum displacement suggested by theory is seen in field data for the first time. It is proposed that this peak may be associated with the breakup of shore fast ice in exposed regions. The theoretical treatment presented assumes sea ice to be thermorheologically simple, as untested hypothesis which will require later experimental verification. However, the theory is quite general, and can be used to solve a variety of sea ice mechanical problems where creep is considered important, but where the loads and displacements are small enough that linearity prevails. |