Two time series of wind speed have been inferred from ambient noise measurements obtained with bottom-deployed inverted echo sounders in the southwestern Atlantic. Comparison between inferred winds and winds from the National Meteorological Center Tropical Strip Surface Analysis product establishes that there is a good agreement between the two observations. The wind records from the two instruments, deployed 181 km apart, show significant differences at low frequencies. The mean speed for the recorded period is 10 m/s. The energy density spectra of the inferred wind records show a decrease in energy with frequency with a slope of -1.7 for frequencies between 0.22 and 20 cpd. The analysis of the spectra from the time series at the two moored locations shows differences in the band 2--10 days. An increase in the variance is detected in the offshore location at discrete periods corresponding to atmospheric oscillations. These oscillations are considerably less energetic in the continental shelf-slope regime but are coherent in both locations. |