Rates of heat and mass transfers across an air-water interface were measured in a wind-wave research facility, under various wind and thermal stability conditions (unless otherwise noted, mass refers to water vapor). Heat fluxes were obtained from both the eddy correlation and the profile method, under unstable, neutral, and stable conditions. Mass fluxes were obtained only under unstable stratification from the profile and global method. Under unstable conditions the turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers remain fairly constant and equal to 0.74, whereas the rate of mass transfer varies linearly with bulk Richardson number Rib. Under stable conditions the turbulent Prandtl number rises steadily to a value of 1.4 for a bulk Richardson number of Rib≈0.016. Results of heat and mass transfers, expressed in the form of bulk aerodynamic coefficients with friction velocity as a parameter, are also compared with field data. |