Using the semispectral primitive equation model of Haidvogel et al. (1991), the evolution of a forced, surface-intensified, eastern boundary current is studied in the presence of both finite-amplitude topography and irregular coastline geometry. The model domain is 1000 km in alongshore length, and extends on average 700 km in the cross-shelf direction. A representative cape, as well as smoothed continental-shelf-slope topography, are included. The model is forced by inclusion of nudging terms in the equations of motion which relax the fluid system back to a prescribed reference state on a time scale of 45 days. The reference state chosen is a broad, geostrophically balanced, equatorward flow having a maximum current at the surface of 0.45 m s-1 and a transport of approximately 10 Sv. No explicit wind forcing is included. Initialized with the smooth surface current, the model quickly approaches a turbulent, time-dependent equilibrium featuring an intense, meandering alongshore jet with local velocities of 0.8--1.0 m s-1. A deep, poleward undercurrent also forms. Subsequent interaction with the protruding cape geometry causes an offshore deflection in the steepening frontal meanders, some of which produce elongated filaments which penetrate significant distances (400--500 km) offshore. The emerging filaments are characterized by a strong downwelling signal (maximum vertical velocities of 30--40 m d-1). The simulated filaments ultimately pinch off, typically within 40--50 days, to form a corotating pair of detached eddies. The existence of the cape geometry, as well as the southward surface flow, appears to be necessary in this model to produce filament generation; removal of the irregular coastal geometry or reversal of the sense of the surface circulation is shown to inhibit filament formation. Detailed analysis of both instantaneous and time-mean momentum balances show dynamical similarity to observations taken during the Coastal Transition Zone experiment and elucidate the eddy transport mechanisms responsible for the formation of the poleward undercurrent in these experiments. Offshore transport of heat by the filaments, found to be O(0.06) PW, is substantial. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1991 |