Despite the intermixing that planktonic populations might be expected to experience in the ocean's fluid regime, zooplankton species may be subdivided across their range into genetically distinct populations. This subdivision, or population genetic structure, may be generated by the interplay of biological processes (reproduction, dispersal, differential mortality) and physical forces governing planktonic distributions. Significant population genetic structure in the planktonic copepod Metridia pacifica occurred during a period of upwelling in the coastal transition zone off the west coast of the United States during April and May 1987. During this period a coastal eddy of saline, recently upwelled water was bordered by a southward flowing current stream; offshore waters were nutrient poor and slower flowing. Metridia pacifica was the most abundant copepod in zooplankton samples collected in this domain; the species was sufficiently abundant in 16 samples to allow genetic analysis. Individual copepods were assayed for allozymic variability by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The samples were genetically heterogeneous (by a contingency chi-square analysis of allozymic frequencies). The genetic differentiation of the samples was characteristic of geographically separated conspecific populations. Cladistic (tree building) analyses were used to visualize the genetic relatedness of the 16 samples, based on the similarity of allozymic frequencies. This analysis resulted in two heterogeneous groups (of five and six samples each) and five anomalous samples that neither constituted a third group nor belonged to the two groups. Overlay of these groupings on the dynamic height topographies showed a concordance between the population genetic and oceanographic structures. Five of six offshore samples belonged to one group; the five samples of the other group were found either in the eddy (two of three central eddy samples) or in the current jet. The remaining five samples were scattered in nearshore regions or in the frontal region between the eddy and offshore. The division of the samples into eddy and offshore groups may result from redistribution by currents of planktonic populations of different geographic origin and distinct genetic character. Thus the eddy may have entrained copepod populations originating from different source regions than the populations in offshore waters. Further genetic analysis on appropriate time and space scales will be required determine the mechanisms generating structure in oceanic zooplankton. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1991 |