Photochemical models of tropospheric trace species typically simulate the effects of wet removal of soluble species from the atmosphere through a first-order rainout parameterization, which is independent of the species solubility and constant in time. In this work a modified first-order rainout parameterization is proposed that is a function of the species' solubility and takes into account the intermittent nature of atmospheric wet removal. In the case of a highly soluble species, such as HNO3, the inclusion of the effects of intermittent rainout in the parameterization leads to averaged rainout lifetimes considerably higher than ones used in most photochemical models. For illustrative purposes this parameterization is applied to a one-dimensional steady state model with parameterized eddy diffusion, although in principle it can be used in more sophisticated multidimensional models. The model results are compared to analagous calculations obtained with a 3-D tracer transport model. |