The seasonal change of the surace drag coefficient (Cd) over the snow surface in the Antarctic katabatic wind region was evaluated from year-round wind profile measurements at Mizuho Station, East Antarctica, in 1979. The average stability is near-neutral throughout the year. Roughness heights (Z0) are estimated from hourly averaged wind speeds at four heights (8, 4, 2, 1, and 1 m) assuming a logarithmic law. Values of Z0 do not vary significantly with wind direction in winter, but they show marked symmetric directional dependence with the smoothest direction around 90¿ in azimuth in the summer. The smoothest direction is formed by high winds in winter because of the scatter over a wider directional range. The results of the first paper can be used throughout the year; Cd10 is estimated to be 0.0013, but decreases to 0.00075 in the smoothest direction in summer. The winter value is similar to previous results over a polar snow surface, but the minimum value in summer is smaller than any previous values in the literature. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1989 |