Channel base currents from triggered lightning were measured at the NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida, during summer 1990 and at Fort McClellan, Alabama, during summer 1991. An analysis of the return stroke data and overall continuing current data has been published by Fisher et al. <1993>. Here an analysis is given of the impulsive processes, called M components, that occur during the continuing current following return strokes. The 14 flashes analyzed contain 37 leader-return stroke sequences and 158 M components, both processes lowering negative charge from cloud to ground. Statistics are presented for the following M current pulse parameters: magnitude, rise time, duration, half-peak width, preceding continuing current level, M interval, elapsed time since the return stroke, and charge transferred by the M current pulse. A typical M component in triggered lightning is characterized by a more or less symmetrical current pulse having an amplitude of 100--200 A (2 orders of magnitude lower than that for a typical return stroke <Fisher et al., 1993>), a 10--90% rise time of 300--500 μs (3 orders of magnitude larger than that for a typical return stroke <Fisher et al., 1993>), and a charge transfer to ground of the order of 0.1 to 0.2 C (1 order of magnitude smaller than that for a typical subsequent return stroke pulse <Berger et al., 1975>). About one third of M components transferred charge greater than the minimum charge reported by Berger et al. <1975> for subsequent leader-return stroke sequences. No correlation was found between either the M charge or the magnitude of the M component current (the two are moderately correlated) and any other parameter considered. M current pulses occurring soon after the return stroke tend to have shorter rise times, shorter durations, and shorter M intervals than those which occur later. M current pulses were observed to be superimposed on continuing currents greater than 30 A or so, with one exception out of 140 cases, wherein the continuing current level was measured to be about 20 A. The first M component virtually always (one exception out of 34 cases) occurred within 4 ms of the return stroke. This relatively short separation time between return stroke and the first M component, coupled with the observation of Fisher et al. <1993> that continuing currents lasting longer than 10 ms never occur without M current pulses, implies that the M component is a necessary feature of the continuing current mode of charge transfer to ground. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1995 |