A unified Eulerian-Lagrangian theory is presented for the transport of a conservative solute in a random velocity field that satisfies locally ∇⋅v(x,t)=f(x,t), where f(x,t) is a random function including sources and/or the time derivative of head. Solute concentration satisfies locally the Eulerian equation ∂c(x,t)/∂t+∇⋅J(x,t)=g(x,t), where J(x,t) is advective solute flux and g(x,t) is a random source independent of f(x,t). We consider the prediction of c(x,t) and J(x,t) by means of their unbiased ensemble moments 〈c(x,t)〉&ngr; and 〈J(x,t)〉&ngr; conditioned (as implied by the subscript) on local hydraulic measurements through the use of the latter in obtaining a relatively smooth, unbiased estimate &ngr;(x,t) of v(x,t). These predictors satisfy ∂〈c(x,t)(〉&ngr;/∂t+∇⋅〈J(x,t)&ngr;= 〈g(x,t)〉&ngr;, where 〈J(x,t)〉&ngr;=&ngr;(x,t)〈c(x, t)〉&ngr;+Q&ngr;(x,t) and Q&ngr;(x,t) is a dispersive flux. We show that Q&ngr; is given exactly by three space-time convolution integrals of conditional Lagrangian kernels &agr;&ngr; with ∇⋅Q&ngr;, &bgr;&ngr; with ∇〈c〉&ngr;, and &ggr;&ngr; with 〈c〉&ngr; for a broad class of v(x,t) fields, including fractals. This implies that Q&ngr;(x,t) is generally nonlocal and non-Fickian, rendering 〈c(x,t)〉&ngr; non-Gaussian. The direct contribution of random variations in f to Q&ngr; depends on 〈c〉&ngr; rather than on ∇〈c〉&ngr;. We elucidate the nature of the above kernels; discuss conditions under which the convolution of &bgr;&ngr; and ∇〈c〉 becomes pseudo-Fickian, with a Lagrangian dispersion tensor similar to that derived in 1921 by Taylor; recall a 1952 result by Batchelor which yields an exact expression for 〈c〉&ngr; at early time; use the latter to conclude that linearizations which predict that 〈c〉&ngr; bifurcates at early time when the probability density function of v is unimodal cannot be correct; propose instead a weak approximation which leads to a nonlinear integro-differential equation for 〈c〉&ngr; due to an instantaneous point source and which improves with the quantity and quality of hydraulic data; demonstrate that the weak approximation is analogous to the ''direct interaction'' closure of turbulence theory; offer non-Fickian and pseudo-Fickian weak ap |