Steady water flow takes place in a heterogeneous aquifer of a three-dimensional random stationary log conductivity of anisotropic, axisymmetric covariance. The latter has different vertical and horizontal integral scales of anisotropy ratio e. The mean flow is uniform in the horizontal plane. A solute plume of constant concentration is injected instantaneously in the formation. The plume is characterized by the expected values of its spatial moments: mass, centroid coordinates, and tensor of second spatial moment. Under ergodic conditions, assumed to prevail, the one-realization spatial moments are approximately equal to their ensemble means. By adopting a first-order approximation in the log conductivity variance and with neglect of pore-scale dispersion, the spatial moments of a plume of a conservative solute were evaluated in the past as functions of the transport time or distance from the input zone (Daga, 1988) by a Lagrangian approach. The moments were expressed in terms of a quadrature that had to be evaluated numerically. The present study generalizes these results to a reactive solute which undergoes kinetically controlled sorption, according to a linear relationship. The reaction depends on two coefficients: a reaction time tr and an equilibrium partition coefficient Kd, which are assumed to be constant. The solution of the transport problem is obtained by the Lagrangian approach, generalizing the one applied previously to conservative solutes. In the latter case, solute particles follow those of the fluid, whereas a wake of solute is left behind in the case of sorption. The zero-order spatial moment, the plume mass, the first-order approximation, and the centroid coordinates are determined in an analytical form. They depend only on the mean velocity and on the reaction coefficients. The second-order longitudinal moment, characterizing dispersion with respect to the centroid, is made up from terms depending only on the reaction and on an interactive term which depends also on heterogeneity. The latter is effectively derived by a double quadrature as well as by an analytical approximate expression, presented here for the first time. The transverse spatial moments contain only interaction terms. The third spatial moment, characterizing the asymmetry of the plume, is also evaluated. Simple asymptotic results are presented for the cases of (1) large transport time reaction time ratio, resulting in retardation, (2) large transport time heterogeneity characteristic time ratio, for which the longitudinal transport of the conservative solute is ''Fickian,'' and (3) the joint limit, resulting also in a ''Fickian'' regime. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1993 |