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McFadden et al. 2003
McFadden, J.P., Carlson, C.W., Ergun, R.E., Mozer, F.S., Muschietti, L., Roth, I. and Moebius, E. (2003). FAST observations of ion solitary waves. Journal of Geophysical Research 108: doi: 10.1029/2002JA009485. issn: 0148-0227.

Measurements from the FAST spacecraft are used to show that ion solitary waves observed at the lower edge of the acceleration region travel at velocities faster than the associated auroral proton beams. The parallel phase velocity is consistent with the acoustic speed in the reference frame of the proton beam, strongly suggesting these waves are an ion acoustic mode. Their high phase velocity places them outside the ion beam population and rules out the ion two-stream instability as their source. These low-altitude structures may arise out of turbulence generated at the lower edge of the acceleration region. Their preferential observation at FAST altitudes may result from their high velocity combined with weak Landau damping that is restricted to the tenuous hot plasma sheet ions near the loss cone. Three different methods for estimating the velocity of these structures are examined. For the FAST antennae configuration it is found that signal delays between Langmuir probes operated in either current mode or voltage mode cannot provide valid estimates of the velocities. Instead, velocities are estimated by measuring the energy shift in the electron distribution within the negative potential well of the solitary wave. Using the measured wave potential and electric field, the scale size and velocity of the structures are calculated. Asymmetric solitary waves, sometime described as weak double layers, are also examined and shown to have no significant net potential. These new velocity estimates contrast sharply with reports based upon Viking observations and differ by about a factor of 2 from recent estimates deduced from Polar observations. These results are discussed in the context of previous estimates along with possible sources of error.



Ionosphere, Wave/particle interactions, Magnetospheric Physics, Plasma waves and instabilities, Magnetospheric Physics, Auroral phenomena, Magnetospheric Physics, Magnetosphere/ionosphere interactions
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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