The magnetic anomaly model, in which the anomalously weak magnetic field region in the northern hemisphere of Jupiter influences the outer Jovian magnetosphre by one or more plasma interaction processes, has been put forth to account for the various observed Jovian magnetospheric phenomena that show evidence of Jovian longitudinal asymmetry or planetary spin periodicity. From this model, normalized by empirical fitting to Pioneer 10 and 11 flyby data and to ground-based radio data, a series of predictions are made that are subject to test by the forthcoming flybys of Jupiter by Voyagers 1 and 2. These predictions cover: (1) the longitude range and time intervals of enhanced interaction between Io (and possibly Europa) and Jupiter's ionosphere, (2) plasma, energetic particle, and magnetic field periodicities in the outer magnetosphere, and (3) the sub-space-craft System III longitude and the time, modulo 10 hours, of the first and subsequent magnetopause crossing. |