For the first time, data on magnetospheric equatorial electron density from multiple whistler paths have been compared with in situ satellite measurements of electron density along near-equatorial orbits. The whistlers data were recorded at Siple, Antarctica (L~4.2) on June 28 and July 10, 1978, and at Palmer, Antarctica (L~2.3) on April 10, 1978. The satellite data were obtained by the University of Iowa Plasma Wave Experiment sweep frequency receiver (SFR) on ISEE-1 during passes that remained within ~¿15¿ of the observing whistler station's longitude. The compared data are mostly in the range 3<L<5.2 and represent the nightside magnetosphere under calm to moderately disturbed magnetic conditions. The results show good agreement on density levels, and support the assumption that the electron density distribution along the high altitude part of field lines in the outer plasmasphere can be described by a diffusive-equilibrium model. The data further suggest that the densities within the observed whistler ducts were within less than 30% of the mean or interduct level, and that over the L ranges of the comparison, there were no significant east-west density gradients within about ¿15¿ of the whistler station's longitude. |