In the Hvittis enstatite chondrite fission track radiography shows that U is highly concentrated in CaS (oldhamite), with a concentration of 400¿50 ppb. The oldhamite U concentrations are equilibrated, although intergrain concentration variations of less than 15% would not be detected. Various approaches to a U material balance do not agree, but at least 50% and, more likely, near 100% of the U is concentrated in CaS. It is likely that CaS is the major reservior for other actinide and lanthanide elements as well. Consequently, enstatite chondrites may provide reliable, Pu/U abundance ratios. The highly reducing formation conditions for enstatite chondrites have caused U to deviate from lithophile behavior, but K is observed to remain lithophile. Although this observation may not be generalizable, we propose that discussions of radioactive heating of planetary cores should include U and Th and not focus exclusively on K. |