Because of the presence of multiple ion species in the Io plasma torus whistler mode noise can be converted to ion cyclotron waves via a polarization reversal process at the local crossover frequency. Using whistler mode intensity measurements in the Jovian magnetosphere from Voyager 1 we estimate the pitch-angle diffusion rates that would occur if the noise is converted to ion cyclotron waves. Typical pitch-angle diffusion coefficients range from D&agr;&agr;≂10-6 sec-1 for protons resonating near the equator to D&agr;&agr;~10-4 sec-1 for 10 keV 0+ ions resonating at high latitudes. Although complete bounce averaged diffusion coefficients have not yet been computed, preliminary estimates indicate that the energetic ion precipitation caused by these waves may be able to account for the EUV auroral emissions at the foot of the torus field lines. |