Magnetic field data from the geostationary satellites GOES 2 and GOES 3 have shown the characteristics of stormtime Pc5 waves to vary dramatically with local magnetic field inclination angle. To investigate this effect, we scanned data from GOES 2 and GOES 3 for the twelve-month period March 1979-February 1980. During this time GOES 2 was at 104 ¿4¿ west geographic longitude (9.6 ¿ 0.4¿ north magnetic latitude), and GOES 3 was at 135¿ west geographic longitude (4.7¿ north magnetic latitude). 105 Pc5 events were observed at GOES 3, and 28 events at GOES 2. During the period of study, only one event was observed at GOES 2 when no waves were observed at GOES 3. Using the GOES 3 Pc5 events as a control set, we investigated the dependence of GOES 2 Pc5 occurrence on the local magnetic field inclination angle. Further, using a simple partial ring current model to produce field distortion at GOES 2, we determined the equivalent L value of GOES 2 for each 10-minute interval during which Pc5 waves were observed at both satellites. During 93% of the Pc5 wave intervals, the local magnetic field inclination angle was less than 40¿, corresponding to an outer limit of L=7.4 |