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Mizukami & Wallis 2005
Mizukami, T. and Wallis, S.R. (2005). Structural and petrological constraints on the tectonic evolution of the garnet-lherzolite facies Higashi-akaishi peridotite body, Sanbagawa belt, SW Japan. Tectonics 24: doi: 10.1029/2004TC001733. issn: 0278-7407.

The Higashi-akaishi peridotite body in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt is a unique example of a kilometer-scale body including garnet-lherzolite facies rocks from an oceanic subduction-type orogen. In this body, four distinct deformational phases D1, D2, D3, and D4 can be defined. The tectonic significance of D1 is unclear. Microstructural observations and application of garnet-orthopyroxene geothermobarometry suggest that D2 took place during high-temperature subduction up to depths of ~100 km (from 2.3 GPa to above 2.8 GPa at temperature of 700--800¿C) or more. D3 represents a major phase of exhumation. After exhumation the Higashi-akaishi body became juxtaposed with the adjacent Besshi and Eclogite units at a depth of around 35 km (1 GPa). The common history of the two units after D3 is shown by the intertectonic growth of tremolite between D3 and D4 that corresponds to a stage of intertectonic growth of plagioclase in the Besshi and Eclogite units. Both the spatial distribution and the estimated pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions of this intertectonic phase of mineral growth in the different units are in excellent agreement. The development of an antigorite schistosity during the late stage of D2 indicates an anticlockwise P-T path with cooling at depths of around 100 km. The association of the antigorite-bearing fabric and the onset of exhumation after the D2 stage suggest that the density decrease due to antigorite formation may have been sufficient to trigger the exhumation of dense ultramafic body from UHP conditions in subduction zones. Syn-D2 water introduction and the anticlockwise P-T path are expected when convection in the mantle wedge brings peridotite toward a subduction boundary through mantle wedge or when peridotite is dragged down along a subduction boundary that is progressively cooling immediately after initiation of subduction.



Mineralogy and Petrology, Metamorphic petrology, Structural Geology, Mesoscopic fabrics, Structural Geology, Microstructures, Tectonophysics, Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle, general, Tectonophysics, Plate boundary, general, oceanic subduction zone, anticlockwise P-T path, exhumation of serpentinized peridotite
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