Pioneer Venus and ISEE-3 observations are used to conduct a comparative investigation of distant magnetotail structure at Venus and Earth. Both magnetotails are found to be well ordered out to the apoapses of PVO and ISEE-3 which are at 11-12 RV and 220-240 Re. The estimated lengths of the Venus and Earth magnetotails are 100-150 RV and 600-6000 Re. Despite their very different interactions with the solar wind, the magnetotails of these two planets possess many similarities. The Venus tail appears to have distinct mantle, lobe, plasma sheet boundary layer, and plasma sheet regions much like its terrestrial analogue. It is further shown that the plasma sheet magnetic field distributions in the disant tails of Venus and Earth are consistent with disconnection from the planet. In particular, the 〈BVZ〉=-0.25 nT observed by ISEE-3 at X=-210 to -224 Re is sufficiently negative on the basis of flux conservation for the average location of the tail neutral line to always earthward of X=-210 Re. Finally the lobe field magnitudes are approximately those expected on the basis of average solar wind conditions, while the mean plasma sheet beta values inferred from pressure balance arguments are 8.5 and 3.8 for Venus and Earth, respectively. |