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Christy et al. 2007
Christy, J.R., Norris, W.B., Spencer, R.W. and Hnilo, J.J. (2007). Tropospheric temperature change since 1979 from tropical radiosonde and satellite measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research 112: doi: 10.1029/2005JD006881. issn: 0148-0227.

Temperature change of the lower troposphere (LT) in the tropics (200S--200N) during the period 1979--2004 is examined using 58 radiosonde (sonde) stations and the microwave-based satellite data sets of the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH v5.2) and Remote Sensing Systems (RSS v2.1). At the 29 stations that make both day and night observations, the average nighttime trend (+0.12 K decade-1) is 0.05 K decade-1 more positive than that for the daytime (+0.07 K decade-1) in the unadjusted observations, an unlikely physical possibility indicating adjustments are needed. At the 58 sites the UAH data indicate a trend of +0.08 K decade-1, the RSS data, +0.15. When the largest discontinuities in the sondes are detected and removed through comparison with UAH data, the trend of day and night releases combined becomes +0.09, and using RSS data, +0.12. Relative to several data sets, the RSS data show a warming shift, broadly occurring in 1992, of between +0.07 K and +0.13 K. Because the shift occurs at the time NOAA-12 readings began to be merged into the satellite data stream and large NOAA-11 adjustments were applied, the discrepancy appears to be due to bias adjustment procedures. Several comparisons are consistent with a 26-year trend and error estimate for the UAH LT product for the full tropics of +0.05 1 0.07, which is very likely less than the tropical surface trend of +0.13 K decade-1.



Global Change, Atmosphere (0315, 0325), Atmospheric Processes, Climate change and variability (1616, 1635, 3309, 4215, 4513), Atmospheric Processes, Remote sensing, Atmospheric Processes, Tropical meteorology, Atmospheric Composition and Structure, Pressure, density, and temperature
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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