Paleolatitude Data From Ocean Drilling Project Leg 197 |
This diagram show the age and location of sediments taken from various seamounts in the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain during leg 197 of an Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) expedition. The age is determined by paleomagnetic anomalies. It is shown that there were periods of simultaneous eruptions occurrin ... |
Data Types: diagram |
Paleolatitude Values For Seamounts |
This image shows the average paleolatitude value for Detroit Seamount derived from magnetic anomalies within the basaltic rock. Several trajectories are also shows which represent different combinations of plate and hotspot motion. The red line is a least squares fit to the data. |
Data Types: diagram |
Indications of Hotspot Movement |
This paper examines the likelihood that the Hawaiian hotspot is moving. The bend in the Hawaiian Emperor chain is attributed to motion of the hotspot rather than an abrupt change in Pacific Plate motion. Paleolatitude data shows that some of the seamounts were formed at different latitude ... |
Data Types: text |