- Expedition MV1203 aims to dredge 40 seamounts along the southwest portion of the Walvis Ridge seamount trail. The Walvis Ridge begins on the African continent and extends to near the mid-Atlantic Ridge. The southwest half of the Walvis Ridge appears to bifurcate into two distinct physical and geochemical trends, the Tristan (northern) and Gough (southern) tracks. The data we collect will assist in improving absolute plate motion models for the African continent, and knowledge of the geochemical evolution of plumes and the regional tectonic setting of the surrounding area. Visit the Expedition Website ...
- IODP Expedition 330 to the Louisville Seamount Trail will drill four underwater volcanoes off the NE coast of New Zealand. One hypothesis states that these volcanoes formed above a narrow plume of hot mantle rising from a position deep in the Earth's mantle. For decades scientists assumed these mantle plumes remain anchored there for tens of millions years, but there is mounting evidence that mantle plumes wander in a large-scale mantle wind. This expedition aims to establish how much mantle plumes may have moved over the last 80 million years and whether the Louisville hotspot moved coherently with the Hawaii hotspot. Visit the Expedition Website ...
- As of this week, we have uploaded a significant number of new entries in the Partition Coefficient (Kd) Database. In addition, we have made corrections in the existing database, and made a first step at increasing, and clarifying the search parameters. This upgrade represents (an increase of over 35% in the size of the database) the first step in our new initiative to bring the database up-to-date, and to create a searchable database that will allow users to download full experimental datasets through this system. This compilation now represents information from over 300 papers. Visit the Kd Datatbase ...
- The Fifth GERM Workshop will be held on May 28-31, 2006 at the Columbia University in Palisades NY. The Science Advisory Committee includes Steve Goldstein, Francis Albarede, Louise Kellog, Roberta Rudnick, Bernard Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Hubert Staudigel. Read more ...
- There will be three events at the Fall AGU 2004 Meeting that relate to Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) activities. First of all, GERM will sponsor the beer at the VGP reception -- please come, celebrate the VGP awardees and talk to us about our planning of the next GERM meeting at Lamont in 2005! There will also be GERM-related sessions on The Deep Earth Engine: Geophysics and Geochemistry (Union Session U04) and on Cyberinfrastructure in Geochemistry (Special Focus Session SF13). Read more ...
- The EarthRef Digital Archive (ERDA) invites User Upload of digital files. We recommend that you use this digital archive to store any digital file that does not fit into the structure used by the MagIC Upload Wizard found on the upper left of this page. Typical ERDA file uploads may include field work pictures, animations, video excerpts, custom software, location maps, white reports, workshop volumes, field trip guides, etc. Uploaded files will be immediately available to all users of the EarthRef.org website. Start a new ERDA file upload ...
- The basic design of the EarthRef.org website has been updated based on feedback from many of its users. Currently, we are about to finish the Second Phase of this Redesign Project, in which we have improved the functionality and information displayed on the home pages for EarthRef.org, GERM, MagIC and ERESE. Each of these web sites will function as the Web Portal for its corresponding database, while taking advantage of the infra-structure provided by the EarthRef.org umbrella web site and database. Please check back with us on a regular basis to see how the design evolves over the next few months. We would appreciate your comments or suggestions through the Feedback form.

- EarthRef.org respects the privacy of all its collaborators, contributors, users of its services, and visitors to its website. Several functions and services or EarthRef.org require the user to supply Identification and Address Information, specifically e-mail address, postal address of the home institution and/or business telephone numbers. This information is used exclusively for documentation and attribution via metadata, except for contributors of data or other materials displayed on EarthRef.org. The identification of contributors and their addresses is an integral part of Scholarly Data Archiving and this information is continuously updated in the EarthRef.org address register by the users themselves. EarthRef.org does not distribute address information to third parties. Read Entire Disclaimer ...