FeMO3 Dive Cruise 2008
Report Day 14 -- Sunday 5 October 2008 -- Preparing for Videoconferencing

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Shawn Doan writing his daily report

I’m looking forward to talking to my classes at Sehome High School tomorrow. The teacher and I have arranged an internet video conference for 5am, 6am and 8 am Hawaiian time. The first time we did this it worked well from the point of view of those at Sehome. It was one sided in that the students could see us live, but we on the ship couldn’t see them. Apparently the ship sends a better signal than it receives. We could hear the students and got an occasional picture as they sat in front of a camera but we could understand what they were saying very well.

The second time we tried to communicate was more difficult. The connection was poor enough that we shut down the video transmission in the hope that it would improve the audio. Despite using audio only the sound kept breaking up and the connection cut us off several times. The breaks made it difficult to understand both questions and answers. It may have been the position of the ship; there are some ship headings where the satellite antenna does transmit as well. Or it may have been too much traffic on the satellite; all the US research ships in the Pacific must share the same satellite channel. The ship’s technicians and the SeaNet administrator have attempted to maximize our signal tomorrow so that we can have a smooth conversation.

Shawn Doan onboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson
4 October, 2008

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