GOLF 1-8-2 Antarctica Expedition 2006/2007
Studying the Geological History of Earth's Magnetic Field

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Wright Valley, one of the Dry Valleys
Elise Sbarbori

Permafrost in Wright Valley
Julie Bowles

36 Hotel - Our first A-star flight
Hubert Staudigel

Mountain Range East of Wright Valley
Julie Bowles

Upper Wright Valley Ice Falls
Hubert Staudigel

A spatter cone at Upper Meserve Glacier
Julie Bowles

Elise, confidently in the co-pilot seat
Hubert Staudigel

Julie, enjoying the ride
Hubert Staudigel

Last years' icebergs in first-year sea ice
Hubert Staudigel

Mesa vistas in McMurdo Sound
Elise Sbarbori

Mesa vistas in McMurdo Sound
Elise Sbarbori

A Jagged coastline
Elise Sbarbori

An Assembly of Emperors at the edge of the sea-ice
Hubert Staudigel

Emperor Penguins having a grande time
Hubert Staudigel

Emperor Penguins at the edge of the sea-ice
Elise Sbarbori

Our commute home....
Elise Sbarbori
06 December 2006
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