FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007
Studying Fe-Oxidizing Microbes on Loihi Seamount -- JASON2 on the R/V Kilo Moana -- KM0719

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4:05 AM
Anthony Koppers

Suction sample in the mix
Anthony Koppers

A scientist's bounty
Anthony Koppers

Bottled bacteria ready for study
Anthony Koppers

J2-310-M55 Upper Lohiau
Anthony Koppers

And again we are polishing electrodes
Anthony Koppers

Anthony Koppers

Jason's Niskin Bottles
Anthony Koppers

Olivier Scissorhand
Anthony Koppers

Fe Concentration in Water
Anthony Koppers

Anthony Koppers

Suzanna Brauer in the Cold Van
Shawn Doan

Suzanna in the cold van
Shawn Doan

Beads binding magnet
Shawn Doan

BoundParticles after washing
Shawn Doan

Dave Emerson and Katrina Edwards
Shawn Doan

Hawaii, the Big Island
Shawn Doan

Osmo Sampler at Marker 39 copy


Osmo Sampler recovery


The remains of two OSMO samplers
Anthony Koppers

Osmo sampler nearly finished
Shawn Doan

Carolyn Sheehan working in the hydrolab
Suzanna Brauer
21 October 2007
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