2.1.3 Uploading Files
Two files must be uploaded for each contribution, and both are output from the MagIC Console Software. One file is a Microsoft Excel (*.xls) file, which contains a spreadsheet for each table in the database into which your data will be inserted. The other is an ASCII text (*.txt) file containing information that the upload programs need to be able to add your information to the database.
Uploading a file is accomplished in the standard fashion through your browser. Clicking the Browse... button will cause a dialog box to display, allowing you to browse for the desired file on your local computer or network. Once the file is selected, the file name will be automatically filled in beneath the upload field.
If either of the required files is missing from the upload, you will get an error message asking you to upload both files. In addition, if one of the files has become corrupted and can not be read, your upload will not be possible and you will receive an error message.
After clicking the Continue button, you will immediately see a progress bar showing the status of your upload. Because MagIC contribution files may contain several thousands of records and may therefore be very large, the file upload may take a moment. Please do not click the Continue button a second time since this will force the upload procedure to begin again and will delay your upload.
Upon successful upload, you will automatically be taken to the next step in the contribution process.