Detailed File Information |
Bathymetric map of Vlinder, Pako, Ioah and Ita Mai Tai seamounts/guyots which are part of the Magellan Seamount Trail. Image shows all guyots with surrounding features comprising the lower west portion of the West Pacific Seamount Province. |
Location 10º 00.00' N - 20º 00.00' N150º 00.00' E - 160º 00.00' E, Pacific Ocean, West Pacific Seamount Province, Magellan Seamount Trail |
Keywords WPSP, Vlinder Guyot, Pako Guyot, Ioah Guyot, Ita Mai Tai Guyot, seamounts, Bathymetry |
Copyright Owner Anthony A.P. Koppers |
Copyright Description Images Created by Anthony Koppers using GMT 3.1 Published by Earth and Planetary Science Letters |